Harnessing data & AI for patients & vulnerable individuals

We are a profit with a purpose data and analytics company helping organisations that deliver positive outcomes for society to succeed

What we do

We bring together passionate and committed people to build analytics, technology and digital capabilities to improve outcomes for patients and vulnerable customers.

Patient Flow

We bring knowledge from across the NHS, experts, your patients and your workforce to execute a co-ordinated plan any NHS organisation can adopt to accelerate patient flow and reduce waiting times.

Vulnerable Customers

We are all vulnerable at times, our loved ones are vulnerable at times, and in an increasingly digital world it is time we start to actively seek out and care for vulnerable people in digital channels.​

Man doing surgery

Healthcare organisations

Supporting the NHS to develop analytics capability and advanced patient flow insights

No Wrong Door

Enabling individuals to access the support they need in their local community

Credit card user

Government services

Detecting vulnerable customers to ensure they receive appropriate care and treatment

parent lifting joyful baby

Tools, techniques & partners

Monitoring Vulnerable Customers

Using all customer voice and text sources to listen for signals of vulnerability

AI-powered process mining

Accelerating patient journeys, improving safety, tackling health inequalities and creating capacity

AnalystX Strategic Partner

Helping the NHS develop their analytics capabilities through coaching and education

Data visualisation

Visualising data to enable powerful stories, that drive change, to be told with data

Coaching & teaching

Supporting teams  develop their capabilities through coaching and education rather than expensive consulting

Who we collaborate with

What our clients say

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How AI Can Revolutionise NHS today

Incredible insights from the application of process mining and LLMs that could be applied across the NHS today to improve patient care, operational effectiveness and productivity.

Case Study

Tackling NHS Elective Recovery through the right lens

Traditional key performance indicators in the NHS do not necessarily tell users about the actions required to deliver improvement. The process mining community shares how process analytics can, in Elective Care improvements, using the same data as traditional analytics. By revealing how processes actually affect performance, precise targeted actions can be taken to drive improvements.


Bridging the data-action gap

Narrowing the gap to start taking the right actions from good insights will help the NHS to build a solid foundation for advanced analytics like generative AI which is set to transform healthcare and everyone's lives

Tools & Techniques

ChatGPT Powered Friends & Family Analysis

Our experiment with ChatGPT to conduct Friends & Family feedback analysis

Tools & Techniques

Patient Flow Analytics Frequently Asked Questions

A short FAQ about patient flow analytics and why it is important in healthcare

Request a demo

If you would like to see a demonstration of our process mining tools or our vulnerable customer analysis and monitoring tools please get in touch

Request a demo